The Bechstein bat Photo: ALAMY |
By David Millward
A rare bat, barely bigger than a matchbox, is the latest threat to plans to build a high speed rail from London to the West Midlands.
The colony of Bechstein’s bats have been discovered in Finemere Wood, near Aylesbury, Bucks, one of more than 21 ancient woodlands under threat from the project.
Campaigners opposed to the £32 billion project, which would see trains hurtling through the countryside at 250mph, say that destroying the bats’ habitat is illegal.
The bat is one of Britain’s rarest mammals, found in only a few woodlands across the country.
In Germany the discovery of a colony led to a motorway being re-routed through a tunnel, rather than destroy the trees containing disused woodpecker holes where the bats roosted.
Classified as a European Protected Species and also covered by the United Kingdom biodiversity action plan, the bats have the highest level legal conservation status.
"If the HS2 route rips through this area it will destroy another important wildlife site,” said Phillippa Lyons, the chairman of the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust.
"The Government hasn't considered the route's devastating impact on wildlife at all, which is astounding when you consider the scale of the HS2 development,”
"If HS2 Ltd had done a proper environmental assessment, they would be aware of all the wildlife that will be affected."
The row over the bats is the latest controversy to dog the scheme this year. In February the Woodland Trust, a conservation charity, said that the project will either destroy or cause irrevocable damage to the sites which house treasured flora and fauna.
Other woods at risk included The destruction of Sheephouse Wood, near Twyford, Bucks is threatening the habitat of one of Britain’s rarest butterflies, the Black Hairstreak.
An HS2 spokesman said the company was aware of the potential problem with the bats.
“It is far too early to say whether Bechstein’s bats would be affected by the proposed high speed rail link as so little is known about them.
“Bats are a protected species by law so any development close to their habitat would be overseen by Natural England.
“If the Government’s proposals for HS2 are taken forward we would look to work with Natural England, the North Bucks Bat Group and the Bat Conservation Trust to establish if there would be any impact and take the necessary avoidance measures.
“We would also explore whether HS2 could improve local woodland management to the benefit of the species.”